IC3: Advancing the science and applications of blockchains

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by Deepak Maram (Mysten Labs, IC3 Alum), Mahimna Kelkar (Cornell Tech, IC3), and Ittay Eyal (Technion, IC3) on November 06, 2024
The authors examine interactive authentication mechanisms that could enhance wallet security, helping crypto users transact more safely.
by Marwa Mouallem, Ittay Eyal, and Ittai Abraham on August 09, 2024
Public key cryptography (PKC) is a fundamental technology that is a key enabler to the Internet and the whole client-server paradigm. Without public key cryptography there would be no cryptocurrencies, no online bank accounts, no online retail, etc.
by Surya Bakshi (UIUC, IC3, Offchain Labs), Sarah Allen (IC3, Flashbots), Lorenz Breidenbach (IC3, Chainlink Labs), Jim Ballingall (IC3), Haaroon Yousaf (IC3), Patrick McCorry (IC3, Arbitrum Foundation), Giannis Kaklamanis (Yale University), Vivian Jeng (Ethereum Foundation), Jayamine Alupotha (IC3, University of Bern), Mariarosaria Barbaraci (IC3, University of Bern), Abhimanyu Rawat (UPF Barcelona) on June 20, 2024
The team behind Boquila, a proof of concept to obscure identifiable information from third-party websites, took the top spot at this year’s hackathon. We sat down with Mariarosaria Barbaraci and Jayamine Alupotha, two members of the winning team, to talk about what they built and their experience at this year’s IC3 Blockchain Camp.
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June 9-15, 2025
Join us for the 10th Annual IC3 Blockchain Camp! This 7-day experience will be hosted once again at the Cornell Tech Campus on Roosevelt Island, New York City. IC3's Technical Committee of Sarah Allen, Surya Bakshi, Lorenz Breidenbach, Patrick McCorry, and Haaroon Yousaf is preparing another immersive coding and learning experience!
January 5-9, 2025
Thank you to all who joined us for the IC3 Winter Retreat 2025 at the Hotel Terrace in Engelberg, Switzerland!
August 7-9, 2024
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Science of Blockchain Conference (SBC) 2024!
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Featured Projects

Liquefaction: Privately Liquefying Blockchain Assets

Liquefaction, a wallet platform that challenges the traditional assumption that private keys and assets are controlled solely by individuals. By using trusted execution environments (TEEs), Liquefaction attaches multi-user policies to private keys, allowing cryptocurrency credentials and assets to be rented, shared, or pooled without leaving on-chain traces. This approach can disrupt the security and economic models of various applications, such as DAO voting and airdrops, while also offering benefits like privacy-preserving DAOs and countermeasures to dusting attacks. The authors highlight the need to rethink key and asset ownership models in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. For further details, please check out our Projects Page.


More projects:

  • CLMM: Game Theoretic Liquidity Provisioning in Concentrated Liquidity Market Makers
  • BNPL: The Rise of E-Wallet Super-Apps and Buy-Now-Pay-Later
  • PAA: Foundations of Platform-Assisted Auctions
  • DP: On Fair Ordering and Differential Privacy
  • zkPoT: Founding Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Training on Optimum Vicinity
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